Andrew Santos is a retired tenured professor from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. He is also a respected Doctor of Medicine in nearby hospitals and charitable clinics around the country. Apart from these honors, he is also well-known for his efforts and foresight in developing novel techniques of renal care. Many people — both residents and foreigners — are benefiting from his findings, which are now making their way to the Philippines.

An intriguing scenario occurred during the just-finished International Health and Medicine Convention in the United States. Mr. Santos delivered his presentation to hundreds of medical specialists and industry professionals about revolutionary medical technology that helps sustain a person's kidney functions - a topic that he has been researching for many years.

The said product was developed by Mr. Santos from his thorough research has been enjoyed and is now applied in notable research centers and clinics across the United States. Experts from esteemed research centers have banded together to design and create a new drug based on Mr. Santos' revolutionary formula. Now, the drug is fully developed and is already giving out promising results.

Exactly how can the new drug developed by Mr. Santos improve the health of millions of people, and how does one acquire it? Read on to know the answer to this question, and many other inquiries you may have about this revolutionary drug.

Reporter: "Mr. Santos, you are one of the best and most respected medical researchers in the world. Would you care to share where you get the inspiration to create this product?"

The reason why this idea crossed my mind goes like this. When I was younger, I had many friends who were having health issues caused by unhealthy diets, which usually led to many illnesses and medical issues. After some time, I knew a lot of people who had issues with their kidney function or overall kidney health. From what I've learned, having such health issues can be difficult on an individual as it comes with bouts of discomfort or pain, along with strict dietary restrictions and control.

This issue is also one of the things that I try to avoid with my health. I also have relatives who had it, like my mother, so I worry that I may be susceptible to it as well. Of course, I need to consider not only its impact on me but on my family. Having to take care of another person can be a burden sometimes.

That's why for the past five years, I have been laser-focused on this study. I have been thinking about this product that many have been talking about even when I was still a practicing doctor. However, I didn't think this many people would be interested in it.

Reporter: What did you go through in your research?

Ever since I finished the research about this product and published a scientific article about this idea, I immediately received offers from many companies who wanted to buy it from me. European companies have offered obscene amounts of money. Even American pharmaceutical companies have made sizable offers. Not to brag, but I receive multiple offers almost every week, but I always end up ignoring most of them.

Reporter: To the best of your knowledge, was the formula ever sold?

Of course not, no. I did not create this product to let pharmaceutical companies fatten their wallets more than they already are. What would happen if I had sold the formula? They will get all the rights, restrict the development and production of the drug, and inevitably raise its prices. I've seen this happen time and time again to my colleagues and fellow researchers who have developed their drugs.

If I had sold it, who will be able to buy the drug once companies raise its prices, and how will those who need it benefit from it?

I hope that folks on tight budgets would be able to appreciate this product that benefits their kidneys and their capabilities. That's why, when an opportunity to assist in the creation of this medicine arose, I jumped at it. That offer came from the Kidney Research Institute in the United States, which offered their specialists to assist me. The research is over, and the medicine is now available to the public.

Reporter: What's the importance of the drug you have developed?

The idea behind the drug is that it tackles the issues of kidney care from a different angle. It has become clear to me and most experts that many mainstream pharmaceutical drugs tend to only have maximum efficacy at the early stages. The patient is pumped with tons of medication but in the end, it only tends to slow down the worsening of the issue. The patient's maintenance will always tend to be difficult, but inevitable since the conditions are only slowed and will worsen.

Science has shown that kidney issues often cause chronic back pain, pain from kidney stones, retention of urine, protein presence in the urine, and overall general deterioration of the bladder. These happen when the kidney fails to function at its maximum efficiency.

This innovation combines new compounds that help the kidney perform its daily functions. When used in tandem with proper diet and ample exercise, it can quickly support kidney function and ease some of the issues caused by improper or insufficient kidney function. As a result, the efforts of physicians and medical experts are critical in developing this new viewpoint on kidney function management.

Reporter: Some say that it's impossible to help kidney function without heavy medication. Is this accurate?

This is not exactly true. It's not a one-size-fits-all situation every time. There are tons of research on this. As long as any of the body's systems are maintained at full potential, it can help alleviate issues, increase capabilities, and relieve discomfort. This is how we aim to help kidney function.

Reporter: Does this mean that this new product can effectively aid one's kidney function?

This new drug aims to do just that. It ensures that your kidney does its job daily. If it does not, it can lead to issues like kidney stones, worsening urine color, chronic back pain, and general kidney deterioration.

Our method may be unconventional to some, as we did not copy our formula from any existing medication. We've crafted and designed a supplement made of all-natural ingredients, which makes it essentially safe for consumption by virtually anyone.

This new drug is also made by industry experts using only state-of-the-art equipment and scientifically-proven methods. Before we've even released it to the public, we've made sure that relevant governing bodies have deemed it safe for consumption and clinically proven to be truly effective for use.

Reporter: If you can, can you give me an insight as to what goes into this innovative drug?

Of course. Unlike most renal support medication, this drug is more of a supplement, which aims to support the kidney's natural function using natural ingredients that have been proven effective for centuries.

A few of the ingredients are cranberry extracts, which are effectively reducing the risk of an individual's chances of acquiring a urinary tract infection — or a UTI — and it also helps reduce urine odor. Another one is Astragalus, which is a natural ingredient that supports and empowers your body's natural immune system.

This product also includes nettle leaf, which contains abundant amounts of antioxidants that help detoxify your kidneys and flush free radicals from your system. It also contains birch leaf, which is a proven ingredient that aids in kidney stones, urinary tract infection, and the overall health and function of your kidneys.

Lastly, it has Juniper berries, a known and effective diuretic that helps your kidney function properly and lower the blood's sodium content.

Reporter: How does one take this awesome drug?

Each day, you just need to take one capsule. The period of consumption is determined by your body's state. Take Urixan Active for a minimum of 21 days. However, to have a long-lasting impact, you must take Urixan Active for around 90 days.

Take one capsule daily, preferably in the morning, for optimum benefits.

Reporter: "Will the drug also be sold in pharmacies? How much is it?"

They offered to purchase this formulation, not to begin manufacturing of the medication, but to prohibit its commercial production. Ineffective renal care medications account for a significant portion of the pharmaceutical industry. Our product will have a significant impact.

Merely going through the Urixan Active treatment course a few times can considerably enhance your kidneys' normal functioning. Expensive, outdated, and useless medications will be rendered obsolete.

Pharmaceutical businesses work with pharmacies. And it's only reasonable that they're not interested in our product.

Reporter: I'm confused. How can the public get this wonderful product if it is not available in pharmacies?

The drug is available on our official website — with pretty significant discounts. However, you can only enjoy this if you order from our official website — along with the assurance that you are getting the genuine product straight from the manufacturer.


Our readers have an exclusive opportunity to order Urixan Active with discount up to 50%! Just launch the fortune wheel by pressing the "SPIN" button, and wait for it to stop. Who knows, maybe it is you that lucky guy, who will get the best discount today! Good Luck!

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John Reyes

Awesome product that protests and cleanse your kidneys. It greatly assists with my kidneys problems and I only wish I would have found this product sooner!

Maria Garcia

This product relieves kidney pains. I took it for a short time, so far so good.

Mark Mendoza

My dad has got relief from stone by this product. It is good.

Joel Bautista

Easy to use, all-natural ingredients. Helps to detoxify and cleanse without medications, teas, or other liquids. Give it a try!

Maricel Villanueva

I’m using this product for the last three months and finally, my stone has disappeared!

Marilyn Castillo

I’ve only been taking this for a couple of weeks but I can already tell that it has made a huge difference in the way I feel! I’m terrible about drinking enough water so my kidneys need a little extra help. This product is just what I was looking for. It flushes out all the bad stuff and keeps your kidneys running more clear. I will definitely be reordering!

Rowena Rivera

I haven't taken it long enough to know how truly well it works but I do feel more regular and I like that it's just one capsule.

Joseph Aquino

I have chronic urinary issues. I'm always looking for a product that can relieve my bladder inflammation and pain. I'm hopeful that after taking these pills for a while, I'll notice some relief. I also think it's important that this was made in the US, as many products are not.

Richard de Leon

This is a really good all-natural way to keep your kidneys functioning properly. I have kidney problems and get a lot of kidney infections and UTIs. I am hoping that over time this will help me to get fewer infections. I can’t drink cranberry juice, it’s too bitter to me. I recommend trying this if you like me and just can’t make yourself drink cranberry juice. This supplement has helped me.